ICIX (I See I Act) Name *Organization *Please select an optionPlease SelectAsian Banking School Sdn. Bhd. (ABS)Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB)Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)- Financial Services Library (FSL)Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) - LinkFinance Accreditation Agency (FAA)Financial Industry Collective Outreach (FINCO)HS Plaza 3 Clinic Sdn Bhd (Clinic)Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM)Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM)Malaysian Association of Money Services Business (MAMSB)Malaysian Investment Banking Association (MIBA)Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM)STF Resources Sdn. Bhd. (STFR)The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM)The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII)Consumer Credit Oversight Board (CCOB)FinTech Association of Malaysia (FAOM)MIFC Leadership Council Berhad (MLCB)Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd500 Startups Malaysia (500 Global)OthersPlease state, if OthersEmail Address *Contact Number *Hazard Classification *Unsafe or Unhealthy Act (performance of a task or other activity that is conducted in a manner that may threaten the health and/or safety of employees. For eg. usage of tools for other than their intended purpose, working in hazardous locations without adequate protection/ warning)Unsafe or Unhealthy Condition (a condition in the work place that is likely to cause property damage or injury for eg. poor housekeeping, uneven walking surfaces, excessive noise)Near Misses (an unplanned event that had the potential to result in injury, illness or damage – but fortunately it did not for eg. an employee trips over an unmarked step and falls without injury)OthersPlease state, if OthersDate of the condition or hazard was observed *Time of the condition or hazard was observedHours-000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223Minutes-000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859Location of hazard: *Describe the hazard/ detail what happened: (include details eg. task, equipment, and people involved)Do you have any picture(s) of the hazard to share with us? *Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesUpload PhotoPlease share with us if you have suggestions for fixing the problem or preventing a repeat?SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.